3D Printing Roundtable


Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) and Materials and Design Exchange (MaDE) held a special 3D Printing event for designers, materials developers and manufacturers in March 2017. 

Setting the scene, Louise Jones, Additive Manufacturing lead, KTN introduced the newly formed Special Interest Group in Additive Manufacturing (AM SIG) which supports implementation of the UK’s forthcoming Additive Manufacture Strategy 2025 and promotes the opportunities it presents. 

Launching the discussion Dr Phil Reeves of Stratysys addressed key themes in his recent interview in The Engineer, such as the need for real business applications, appropriate manufacturing processes and well considered design/material choices. The meeting was then open for observations, questions and provocations around the latest design/materials perspectives on 3D printing.

We are grateful to Digits2Widgets for hosting the MaDE Roundtable. A video and full report will be posted shortly.